Sol Celestis

Greetings yet again one and all – Yes I am still working on this :)

I know it has been a while since an update but I would like to share with you the results of the last 2 weeks effort I have put into the ever evolving game of ‘Trader’.  Rather than continuing to work on the code development side of this project, I decided to take some time out and create some of the music assets I require for the game, namely some ‘atmosphere’ background tracks for when in flight mode.

Little did I realise what this would develop into, but that said I have now finished these assets which ended up being a complete 9 track album which I have named ‘Sol Celestis’, with each track themed to a different planet in OUR (Sol) solar system.

Sol Celestis Cover

Album: Sol Celestis

Composer: Calidan

Year: 2010


1. (03:11) Sun

2. (03:32) Mercury (Sample – 128kbs mp3)

3. (03:20) Venus

4. (04:00) Earth

5. (03:04) Mars

6. (03:44) Jupiter

7. (03:43) Saturn

8. (02.58) Uranus

9. (04:00) Neptune

I know some will complain saying that I am missing a planet etc, and while I personally agree (I too was taught that pluto was one of the planets in the solar system), in modern times this is no longer listed as ‘one of the planets’ and is referred to as a planetoid instead …

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'Trader' is the working title for the Galactic Game Engine/System currently being developed by Rod. Watson,
and is protected by local and international laws governing Interlectual Property and Copyright.
'Trader' © Copyright, Rod. Watson
[All Rights Reserved]